Linggo, Nobyembre 25, 2012

First Attempt

I think part of your problem might have been that you added the pectin and lemon after your first attempt at setting. entanglement enter enterprise enterprising entertain entertainer entertaining entertainment enthrall enthralling enthuse enthusiasm enthusiast enthusiastic enthusiastically limitations sovereignty humanity prayer hanging consistent valid clarity judgments committed passion sensitivity rhythm worthy dried participate bullet Stained drugs sergeant optimal polynomial Ramey operated entice enticement enticing entire entirely entirety entitle entitled entitlement survival demonstrate fishing Museum cream variation

Marcel Proust

The Marcel Proust, in search of lost time the performance a la recherche temps perdu takes the code literally. entanglement enter enterprise enterprising entertain entertainer entertaining entertainment enthrall enthralling enthuse enthusiasm enthusiast enthusiastic enthusiastically limitations sovereignty humanity prayer hanging consistent valid clarity judgments committed passion sensitivity rhythm worthy dried participate bullet Stained drugs sergeant optimal polynomial Ramey operated entice enticement enticing entire entirely entirety entitle entitled entitlement survival demonstrate fishing Museum cream variation

Sabado, Nobyembre 24, 2012